3 September 2015

Sharing Our Expertise

The manufacture and supply of cleaning and hygiene chemicals is only one part of the Evans formula.

Evans Vanodine has built a reputation based on innovation and commitment to research and development, ensuring a flow of new and improved formulations, but our dedication to our customers doesn’t end there.

Our in-house microbiologists and chemists enable the company to deliver quality and consistency at every stage of production and ensure all our products comply with regulations and that bactericidal claims are substantiated by EU test methods. However their experience and years of knowledge of working in the chemical industry is always at your disposal. Be it over the phone, via e-mail or through shared published articles, our technical team are always on hand to assist you with your problems, offering advice and solutions.

Our easy to use website gives instant access to Safety Data Sheets and Product Information Sheets, as well as Microbiological Profiles for all bactericidal products. You can also find updates on the latest industry news and articles from our chemists and field sales teams.

We offer Training Support DVDs free of charge; these films can also be viewed via the training section on our website. A wide selection of leaflets and brochures are also freely available, either via download from our website or as hard copies via our distributors or direct from head office. This support literature helps users choose the right product for every application and how to attain the best possible results. The latest addition to our series is our ‘Housekeeping Guide

Evans distributors are able to attend our no cost, practical training courses hosted at our Head Office. These courses help to broaden and develop their product knowledge, in order to strengthen their own customer base.

Customers are further supported by office based sales personnel, along with experienced national and international representatives, who are available to help you with your cleaning and hygiene questions.