Environment & Sustainability

At Evans Vanodine we have been accredited to ISO14001 in 2007. As part of maintaining this accreditation we have had to prove that we have been doing continuous improvement under our Environmental Management Systems.

As a company that formed over 100 years ago, we can say that we have been sustainable; but since the creation of our Sustainability Strategy have we looked at sustainability as a separate topic.

As we have extended and improved our knowledge on how we can improve the environmental management systems within our company and how to fit sustainability into this officially.

Evans Vanodine took the decision to monitor carbon footprint in 2019. To focus our effort and drive us to improve we teamed up with The Planet Mark and are now in our third year of certification. Improvements in our practices have so far produced a 15% reduction in our carbon footprint and we are committed to continue to reduce this.

We have now implemented our 5-year sustainability strategy, with targets set for various categories such as waste, carbon reduction, plastic and social responsibility. These are then broken down into specific subcategories where we have projects on going, for example, looking at reducing our electricity usage by 5% and decreasing the effluent we discharge to drain by 10%. Our plastic category is looking at PCR content and where we can add this safely into our range. And with social responsibility we want not only to be looking after our staff but also reaching out into our wider community with sponsorships and support for local charities.

As we continue our commitments to sustainability, we will be keeping you informed with social media posts and articles on the website.

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