11 February 2022

MIND YOUR HEAD mental health campaign

Mental wellbeing in the farming industry has suffered over the past few years and we all have a responsibility to work together to offer support for those living and working in the industry who may be struggling right now.

The Farm Safety Foundation (or Yellow Wellies as many know them) manage and fund two very important campaigns; Farm Safety Week and Mind Your Head have both become key focuses in the farming calendar in the UK. 

2022 marks the 5th year that we will remind those living and working in farming communities of the importance of looking after their mental and physical health and how they intersect. The Mind Your Head campaign is aimed at anyone living and working in agriculture in the UK, as well as reaching out to the wider general public. 

By changing the culture and challenging the perceptions of mental health awareness, Mind Your Head will help those living and working in farming to see there is a serious issue that has no barrier of age, sex, social status, or education. 

The objective of the campaign is to:
  • Dispel the myths and remove the stigma attached to poor mental health in farming communities.
  • Share authentic stories, real experiences and relatable content for audiences of all ages
  • Promote the mental health benefits of living and working in agriculture.
  • Empower the farming community and strengthen bonds between rural support groups and organisations in order to foster a community of support, understanding and collaboration.
You can find out more about the campaigns via the Farm Safety Foundation website and via social media @yellowwelliesUK and by using the hashtag #MindYourHead

Evans Vanodine has made a donation of £500 to the Farm Safety Foundation in recognition of this year’s Mind your Head week. This donation has been made in remembrance of Leonard Eadon through his fundraising tribute page. Len, who sadly passed away at the beginning of 2022, was a Young Farmer and a graduate of Harper Adams University, where both Camilla and Antonia Evans studied and received their degrees.

The Evans family passes on their sincere condolences to Len’s family and urges those who are struggling with their mental health to reach out and talk to someone. 

If you would like to donate to The Farm Safety Foundation through Len’s tribute page, please do so here: bit.ly/Evans_Donate