4 March 2022

Congratulations Heath Porter - you’re a COVID Workplace Champion!

Heath Porter, our Health and Safety Manager, has been recognised by RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) as a COVID Workplace Champion in recognition of his expertise, passion and unwavering commitment to keeping colleagues, clients and communities safe during the COVID pandemic. 
RoSPA received nearly 300 nominations, from many different industry sectors and from 19 countries around the globe, and recently spent several weeks reviewing all the fantastic nominations that recognise the efforts of people who kept us safe every day. 
We all know only too well the huge effort that has been required to keep businesses and organisations functioning in 2020 and 2021. We also realise that this incredibly important work needs to continue in the months ahead and are therefore fortunate that there are people like Heath who are working tirelessly to keep us safe.
Everyone at Evans Vanodine is extremely grateful to Heath for all his efforts and really pleased that this has also been recognised externally.  

Heath would like to acknowledge that this award does not belong solely to him, but to the whole of Team Evans, as everyone has played their part in keeping the company a safe place to work over the past couple of years.

RoSPA will be hosting a celebratory event for all of the successful COVID Workplace Champions in the Summer, where they will all get a chance to meet the other champions, share their success and enjoy the recognition they deserve.