8 February 2019

Equine Influenza – Recommendations for Disinfection with FAM 30

The recent outbreak of equine Influenza in the UK has resulted in the cancellation of race meetings with the potential to cause massive disruption to the UK’s racing programme.

Equine influenza can be highly contagious and can be airborne over reasonable distances as well as be transmitted indirectly e.g. via surfaces of vehicles, equipment and people.

The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) is presently communicating with yards potentially exposed to ensure appropriate quarantine and biosecurity measures are put in place and horse movements restricted to avoid possible further spread of the disease.

Influenza viruses are not difficult to kill with disinfectants but of course the main problem is airborne transmission. Usual biosecurity measures are required, isolation of sick animals, no sharing of tack, feed equipment etc, disinfection of transport vehicles if they have been used, restriction of movement - animals and humans.

FAM 30 is suitable for use as a surface disinfectant for buildings and equipment. The use dilution will be 1-part FAM 30 to 100 parts water (Diseases of Poultry Order, and the Avian Influenza and Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals Order and EN 14675 virucidal activity test).

Surfaces should be cleaned before disinfection except in areas where there is definite contamination from a sick animal when the disinfectant should be used to clean up (without creating aerosols - so no power washing) and then applied again to cleaned surfaces.

See the BHA and Animal health Trust websites for more information:



If you would like to download a copy of this advice, please click HERE