5 March 2020

Coronavirus Support Material

Visit our COVID HUB for all the latest training videos, support guides and wallcharts HERE 

DISCLAIMER: Following developments online and in the press, regarding the effectiveness of disinfectants in treating COVID-19, we would just like to remind all users of our products, that under no circumstances should any Evans Vanodine product be ingested into the human body, either by injection or by swallowing. Our products are intended for use only by the methods outlined in our Product Information Sheets and Safety Data Sheets. Before using any of our products, please read the product label and safety data sheet and always adhere to health and safety instructions.

DISCLAIMER: Evans Vanodine has become aware of profiteering by businesses and individuals reselling our products, in particular, in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. Handsan, Evans 70% alcohol hand sanitiser, is being resold on websites such as Ebay and refilled into pack sizes which our business does not manufacture. Please be vigilant when purchasing Evans products and do so through a registered distributor, not general retail websites where the goods may be fakes and packaged unsuitably. Action will be taken against any resellers who persist in misusing and misrepresenting the Evans Vanodine brand, and potentially endangering our customers.


Since the Coronavirus/COVID-19 outbreak, we have been asked for guidance on cleaning and disinfecting, as well as best hygiene practices. 

Our Coronavirus Guidelines summarise Public Health England’s (PHE), and our, advice on infection prevention and control. It pays attention to surface disinfection and hand hygiene.

We have also published an article, highlighting some frequently asked questions, following a webinar attended by our chief microbiologist. https://www.evansvanodine.co.uk/issa-and-global-biorisk-advisory-council-gbac-webinar

Below, we have brought together all our support material that we feel will be useful, relating to the products and procedures discussed: 

As per PHE advice, cleaning with a neutral detergent should be followed by disinfection with a chlorine based product, in the form of a solution at a minimum strength of 1,000pm available chlorine.
Chlorine Based Disinfectant To achieve 1,000ppm
Chlor Tabs 1 tablet per 1 L water
Chlor Liquid 20ml per 1 L water
Cyclone 20ml per 1 L water
Cyclone Spray Ready to use formulation

Apply made up solution to surfaces with a clean cloth. Leave to air dry.

If a chlorine based disinfectant is not suitable for a particular application, Safe Zone Plus, a ready to use virucidal disinfectant, may be used.

Please be advised, if a product you are using is not listed, we would not currently recommend it against Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Surface Disinfection - Information Sheets

Chlor Tabs
Chlor Liquid
Cyclone Spray
Safe Zone Plus 

Infection Control Guide - for surface disinfection following any suspected cases

Hand Hygiene - Information Sheets

Handsan – 70% alcohol hand disinfectant
Trigon Plus - bactericidal liquid hand wash
Trigon Foam Plus - bactericidal foam hand wash

Wash Your Hands – step by step wallchart
Sanitise Your Hands – step by step wallchart  

Children's Handwashing - step by step wallchart - designed for young children and primary schools.

You will find further support material to help teach children the importance of washing hands on our Edward and Emily website http://www.childrenshandwashing.co.uk/