3 September 2015

Award Winning Company

Prestigious Queen's Award win highlights our aim to be the best in our field.

Evans Vanodine is delighted to announce that it has been named as a winner of a Queen’s Award for Enterprise – recognised as Britain’s most coveted prize for business success. The award has been received in the category of International Trade, which is recognition of our outstanding overseas sales growth over the last three years.

The company currently exports to 72 countries worldwide, with a further 10 countries serviced by licensed manufacturing units overseas.  Over the last three years new sales territories have been added, such as New Zealand and South Africa, with the latter noted as being particularly promising.

The Queen’s Award for Enterprise recognises outstanding achievements by UK companies in three categories: International Trade, Innovation and Sustainable Development. The awards are announced annually by HM The Queen with a special presentation made to each company by The Lord-Lieutenant of the County at an official ceremony. Representatives from each winning business are also invited to attend a special reception at Buckingham Palace. Previous winners include Jaguar Land Rover, JCB, Dunlop, Johnson & Johnson Medical and the Tangle Teezer, as featured on Dragon’s Den. You can find out more here

A company announcement was made to all staff by Chairman Mr Derek Evans and Mr Peter Thompson, International Sales Manager who said “The winning of a Queen’s award is a great honour for Evans Vanodine and is a testament to the efforts of the entire company to be the best in our field. Development of our International business is an essential cornerstone on which the future of the business is built and to be recognised with this award is confirmation that we are successful in our efforts to operate on a global scale”.

The company is entitled to use the prestigious Queen’s Awards emblem for 5 years in recognition of this achievement. You will soon start to see this appear on our literature and products.